CAF 24 | Sponsorship

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Gecko supports the arts and local communities by sponsoring Chorlton Arts Festival

Gecko is proud to be this year’s headline sponsor for the Chorlton Arts Festival.

With the erosion of funding for arts and culture from both local and central government as essential services have been prioritised, it’s more important than ever to support community organisations.

Fiona McCloskey from Gecko said: “Arts and culture activities enrich communities in all kinds of ways. They provide a focus for people to come together, a way for different people to find common ground, and support the local economy by drawing in visitors.

“Making sure everyone has access to these kinds of activities is another way to tackle inequality. That’s why Gecko is proud to support Chorlton Arts Festival.” Chorlton Arts Festival features artists from across South Manchester.

It’s run entirely by volunteers, providing a platform for singing, music, visual arts, creative writing, poetry and more in places like cafes, shops, open public spaces, churches and schools.

This year it runs from 17 to 26 May.

Arts and cultural activities help foster community identity, and support education and wellbeing. Chorlton has a thriving artistic heritage, with the arts festival having been held in the area since 2002.

We’re big fans of the festival, having previously supported through our parent company, Southway Housing Trust.

At Gecko we provide an affordable way to get on the housing ladder across Manchester and Cheshire. We want people to be able to stay in their communities and love where they live. Supporting community activities is just one way we try to give a little bit back.

Our Cross Road development in Chorlton will provide one- and two-bedroom apartments through Shared Ownership with just a 5% deposit. It’s just one of our affordable developments across the north west.

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    If you’re looking for an apartment in a prime location that keeps you close to the city and close to the countryside, our Shared Ownership apartments in Chorlton, Manchester, offer everything you need to create your own unique space in the world.

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